Sunday, June 6, 2010

Vacation and 6th Week Recap

So Mike and I got back from a nice, relaxing, week long beach vacation with his family yesterday, and it sucks getting back to the grind.  We chilled at the pool and then grilled out with some friends today to wind down the vacation and I'm now officially dreading going back to work tomorrow.  It's always so hard going back after being off for awhile.  Maybe it's the fear of the unknown, who knows.

Anyway, I am now well into my 7th week, but I haven't been able to write about week 6 yet, so here it goes.  The first major thing that came into play was the nausea.  It hasn't been awful (no vomiting), but that whole "morning/ all day" sickness reared its ugly head this week.  I have found that as long as I eat something every three hours I'm able to stave it off pretty well.  But it can't be something mini like a fruit cup.  That doesn't cut it.  It has to be a fruit cup + yogurt + granola bar + cheese + whatever else I can scrounge up.  I'm serious!  If it was a little something every three hours, then I wouldn't be worried.  But at this rate I'm gonna be a blimp!!!  I find myself eating a full blown meal's worth of calories every three hours and that is scary!  But it's the only thing that keeps the nausea away.  Let's just hope that all of this ends after the first trimester.

So that has been my major symptom this week, but I have also been really tired.  I can't tell if that is a pregnancy thing, or if it's from being out in the sun all day.  It's funny though, because Mike's parents adopted all of my habits this past week.  His mom commented to me on the beach one day "I feel like I've been eating every three hours!  What's with me??"  "Haha, just following my lead", I mentally reply.  Then I've been exhausted by 9PM every night, so I've gone to bed between 9 and 10...and so have his parents!  Another Mike's mom comment: "I've been going to bed earlier than usual this week...must be the sun."  Haha

The big question was whether or not we'd be able to keep the pregnancy a secret from them for a whole week..... and we succeeded!  But it wasn't easy.  Number one: trying to pretend you're fine when you're nauseous...not easy.  I was probably little bit moodier than usual this past week.  Usually I am Little Miss Sunshine (especially around the In-Laws), and I was not able to keep that up at times.  I don't think they noticed though.  Mike's mom wants grand kids in a bad way though, and she brought it up about 10 times a day, every day of vacation.  Not in an obnoxious way...subtly, like mentioning how cute EVERY little baby on the beach is.  Then looking at sand toys and saying things like "Pretty soon we'll be bringing that stuff to the beach...maybe".  Haha, little does she know, we will be dealing with all of that next summer!  In her defense, there were little kids EVERYWHERE on that vacation.  I think maybe it's because older kids are still in school, but that beach was overrun with infant to 4 year old kids while we were there.  It was crazy!

I also kept thinking that I was noticing my belly getting a little larger, but that might just be in my head.  I came home and I only weighed one more pound than last week and my waist was 1/4 inch larger, so no real difference yet.  That change could very easily just be from being on vacation for a week and eating out every night.  Oh yeah, another hard thing was limiting my seafood intake.  I love seafood, but now I have to be careful with which seafood I eat, and even then, I can only have 2 servings a week.  Not easy when you are on a beach vacation.  I found myself getting a lot of salads, which is so unlike me, but I don't think his parents noticed.  I don't think they noticed that I wasn't drinking either.  They don't really drink, so since it was just Mike and I and them, we really didn't either.  A few times I had Mike make me virgin Bloody Mary's when they were all drinking one, and I don't think they are any the wiser.  They assumed there was alcohol in mine too. 

One of the benefits of going to bed at 9 is getting up with the sun.  I got up between 5:30 and 7:30 every morning, and that is definitely a first for me.  It was nice though.  I saw not one, but 2 sunrises!  And I was able to run/walk on the beach early before it was too hot.  Then I would go back and have breakfast number 2.  Here was my eating schedule for the week:
6:30 - Breakfast number 1 (usually Cheerios with fresh blueberries on top!  Yum!)
9:00 - Breakfast number 2 (this one varied, but it was always a full blown second breakfast)
12:00 - Lunch
3:00 - Large snack (as mentioned above)
6:00 - Dinner
9:00 - Bedtime snack

See what I mean?  Crazy amounts of food.  Oh well. 

So I ran/walked on the beach almost every day (also unheard of for me on vacation), and I really liked it.  I wore my Garmin heart rate monitor and kept my heart rate 110's- 140's with walking/running.  Once I noticed my heart rate climbing to the 150's I would walk for awhile.  Still felt like I got a decent workout though, albeit not as intense as I'm used to.  I tried hard not to let myself overheat this week while out in the sun because I know that's not good for you when you're pregnant (or ever, I guess). I got in the water (or at least went down and walked around in it) more frequently than usual, and I took hour+ lunch breaks at the condo.  All in all, I think I did pretty well this week. 

Here are some of my pics:

Sunday morning, on my way to catching the sunrise

View back towards the condo with the moon still out

I literally took about 20 sunrise pics, but I spared you the agony of putting ALL of them on here.

Mike and I on a nighttime beach stroll on our 2 year anniversary!  We went to a nice restaurant about 7 stories up that looked out over the ocean for dinner with his parents.  The restaurant gave us a little ocean scene paperweight with a helium-filled balloon attached to it for our anniversary, which was really sweet.  A memento of our 2nd anniversary!

Mike, loving life while fishing!  Sadly, that little pin fish and one other pin fish were the only two things he caught that day. 

7 weeks exactly in this photo!

So, that's my week recap.  A great, relaxing beach vacation.  Daisy was on vacation too, but she didn't do her relaxing until we picked her up....

She passed out on Mike's mom's lap the second she got in the car!  Poor thing, she loves Dogtopia (the doggy day care that we take her to when we go away), but she is non-stop when there are other dogs around.  It's not until the dogs are gone and it's only people that she can relax.  How cute is she?!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww Daisy dog! She is in heaven at Dogtopia. I'm sure it was in your head that you're starting to "show", but I can't wait for you to get a belly! So fun!
