Wednesday, June 23, 2010

10 Weeks

I am ten weeks pregnant today and I am counting down the days until the end of the first trimester, aka: end of morning sickness.  Some days are worse than others and I have been feeling especially crappy since I woke up this afternoon.  I've been working night shift and it seems like I feel worse when I'm on a night shift schedule.  Oh well, the end is in sight I hope!

Otherwise, the symptom that I forgot to mention in previous posts is the gassiness (is that a word??).  I've been burping up a storm since about six weeks, and my bowels have been a little out of whack.  We'll just leave it at that, ha ha.  No further details necessary. 

Mike and I went up to my family's cabin in PA this past weekend for Father's Day and it was a great little getaway as always.  We rode four-wheelers, shot guns, played bad mitten, hiked, and just hung out.  Oh yeah, and.... we told the fam our big news!  It was funny because I gave Mike's dad and my dad Grandpa Father's Day cards and their reactions were hilarious.  Mike's dad just stared at it open mouthed (didn't even open it to read the inside!), and my dad kept insisting that I gave him the wrong card.  My sis got some priceless pics of the whole thing, and I'm so glad that we told them that way.  It  was pretty funny.  My grandma was the first one to get it and she jumped up out of her chair to hug everyone.  Then Mike's mom and dad, my dad, and my grandpa followed suit.  Great day!  Then I already got the whole "You're pregnant, what do you need?  Food, drink?  Are you alright?  You look tired.  Be careful on that four wheeler ride."  Etc, etc, etc.  It's pretty funny the instant attention you get when you're pregnant.

Here are some pics from the weekend.

So, all in all the past week was a pretty good one.  At the cabin I started writing in my pregnancy journal, which I desperately needed to start, considering that I'm already at week 10!  Then on the way home I read Jenny McCarthy's pregnancy book Belly Laughs.  It was pretty amusing and I enjoyed it.  I got that one at the library, which I finally decided to join.  I forgot how much I love libraries!  You get the same feeling leaving there that you do leaving a bookstore, but without the cost!

I am supposed to work again tonight, but I'm on call for now.  Both good and bad.  Good because I still really don't feel well, and me and 2 friends from work are heading to the beach in the AM, which would be miserable after working all night.  Bad because I am rapidly running out of paid time off.  Oh well, seize the day and enjoy it, right?  I'll just keep telling myself that.

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