So it kicked in. The dreaded first trimester symptom has officially made its appearance. I felt a little iffy at work last night, but this afternoon ever since I woke up I definitely don't feel well. I don't feel like I'm gonna throw up, but I am nauseous. Tried to go on a hike with Mike and Daisy but only made it a half an hour (usually our hikes are a good hour at least). I just felt nauseous and weak and tired. So we turned around. Lame. Don't feel like eating anything, and oddly, if I want to eat anything at all it has been vegetables these past two days. Are you serious? Me, the girl who hates veggies and has to force herself to eat a salad every now and again has had carrots and celery as snacks and a chicken caesar salad for dinner? Whaaa? I guess it's true that you end up craving what your baby needs. Pretty amazing I must say.
I had my prenatal appointment this AM and it was pretty uneventful. Talked with the pregnancy coordinator about what to expect, got offered a bunch of optional genetic testing for a bunch of extra money, and got 6 tubes of blood drawn. Hopefully all of my blood work will come out OK. I guess I'll find out next week. I made my next appointment for June 16th and that will be my first ultrasound! Yay! Hopefully Mike will be able to get out of work early and come with me!
Mike's parents will be here in about a half hour and we're going on vacation with them tomorrow for a week. Hopefully this whole nausea thing won't be too bad or it might blow our cover! We shall see....
Oh no! I hope it doesn't stick around too fun. Have a good time on vacation!!