Can you believe it????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew that May was my favorite month for a reason!!!
Here's how it all went down. Mike got up for work at 5:30 like always and I layed there in bed pretending to be asleep. I had already decided the night before that if I woke up and still didn't have my period I was going to take a pregnancy test. Friday was Day 30 of my slightly irregular schedule, so I figured it was late enough to give it a try. I wasn't expecting anything though, so I waited for Mike to leave because I was sure it would look the same as all of the others. But it didn't!!!! I saw that plus sign and I was too stunned to move for a second. I thought if I so much as blinked it would disappear. But it didn't!!! (The test above was a different brand that I used the following Monday, just to be sure. After I took tests on Saturday and Sunday too of course! Haha!) Here is the original test that I took.
So, the line was kind of faint on this one, but make no mistake, it was the first hint of anything positive I've ever seen! I was beyond elated! I can't even describe the feeling. Here is a pic of me right after I found out.
I was home alone, so it was one of those take a picture of yourself things. But I had to capture the moment, home alone or not.
Next up, I called Mike while he was driving to work and delivered the good news. No cute delivery of the message or anything like that. I was too excited for that; I just blurted it out! And he was so excited too, which was awseome. So I proceeded on with my day trying to think about anything else, but let me tell you it was NOT easy (or very successful!). I didn't blog about it on that day, because I wanted to keep the news to ourselves for a little while. Not that that worked either. I pretty much immediately called my sister and told her. She was screaming and saying how excited she was for us too, which I loved! Then when I thought about it today, I thought "Why not post about it?" The only two people that know about this blog are my husband and my sister, and those were the first two people to hear the news!
Mike and I left for Asheville after he got home from work and here is a pic of us in the car on the day we found out I was pregnant.
Not the greatest picture (especially of me, eww), but it's the only one we have of both of us from that day.
I brought some extra pregnacy tests along on the trip because the faintness of the positve line made me nervous (I know, I know, paranoid much?) I mean there are three in a pack, so you should use all three just to be sure right?? That was my rationale anyway. Haha! So I took one Saturday and I got positive result number....
And then again on Sunday, for positive result number...
We went to Asheville with the same couple that we went to Nashville with, and the girl kept asking me if I thought I was pregnant. I wasn't drinking, but then again, I never really did during the two weeks a month that it was possible I might be pregnant. I stayed strong and didn't tell her....until the last day of vacation (Monday). I just couldn't hold it in any longer! Plus, she is one of the very few people who knew that Mike and I were trying. I didn't tell her about our fertility struggle until February, but I definitely unloaded on her then. The fact that we had "only" been trying for 7 months might not make it a fertility issue by the books, but it definitely was to us. She knew about all of the discouraging months we've had since last June, and I think that made me even more excited to share the news with her. She was sooooo excited for us, and wanted to talk about it nonstop, which was fine by me!
Mike and I ran the Biltmore 15K on Sunday morning, which was really a beautiful course. I have never done the 15K distance before, and it was great because it is around mile 9 of a half marathon that I start to get tired. Mike didn't want me to run it because we already knew I was pregnant at this point (but we hadn't told my friend yet). He thought it wasn't good for me, blah blah blah. But he gave up after I told him that I promised to be careful, and I was gonna just stay with him and run/walk. I promised that I would listen to my body and walk when I was getting too out of breath. I did, and it was fine, but it was tougher than I thought it would be to walk during a race. It's all a mental game, and I have had it engrained in my head since high school that during a race (or any run for that matter) walking is NOT an option. But I wasn't gonna let my crazy head keep me from doing the healthy thing for my baby. So I ran/walked the race, and Mike and I stayed together the whole time which was nice for a change. I normally blow him out of the water on the long races, haha! Here's Mike before the race started. Remember how much he LOVES getting up early to run.
And here we are together....
Looking a little perkier at this point!
So, all in all it was a fun weekend in Asheville. On the ride home I wanted Mike to stop at a Barnes and Noble so I could get some pregancy books, because we all know how much I love when I have something to study up on. But he refused, and said I could wait until we got home. I told him that the three hour car ride was the perfect time to start reading up on things, and he countered by telling me that I had 9 months to read up on things. Humpf. Cruel I tell you. So all of 5 minutes after we got home I got back in the car and hit up Rite Aid for just one more box of pregnnancy tests (a different brand this time of course) and then Borders for some reading material.
My next post will be about my books and what I think of them, as well as some of the symptoms I've been experiencing so far. I am currently 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant, and I plan to write in this blog least once a week throughout my pregancy with what I've been feeling and going through that week. Until then I will leave you with a few more gems. I was picture happy I know. Can you blame me??
You can see in the second picture that the inital test that I took had more of a faint positive line, and as the days went on it became more distinct! Monday when we got back I bought the Clear Blue tests and took one that day and the next one this past Sunday. So all in all I have taken 5 pregnacy tests since Friday May 14th, and gotten 5 positive results! Mike and I are through the moon with excitement!!! Happy Birthday to me! Date night dinner and a movie with my hubby tonight! Yay!
Yayyyyyyyy:) Happy Birthday!! Love ya!