Monday, July 26, 2010

Heartbeat Heaven!

This morning I had my 15 week appointment at the ob/gyn and I got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time!  Although it was reassuring and cool to hear, I must admit that it was a little bit anti-climatic.  Maybe it's because I already saw a picture of the baby last time, and I am more of a visual person...I don't know.  I was just kind of laying there like thinking "Yeah this is pretty cool."  But I wasn't freaking out or crying or anything like a lot of people say you do the first time you hear it.

But all in all it was a good appointment.  Weight went up about 2 pounds since the last appointment which is good I guess.  BP was 96/62, Hgb was 14.7, baby's heartbeat was in the 150's.  All good numbers. 

The doc asked if I was getting the down syndrome screen and I honestly couldn't remember, so I asked "Does that cost extra?".  What a cheapskate I must've looked like.  But I knew I wasn't getting anything above and beyond what was covered, so that was my way to remember if I decided to get that test or not.  He said that this test doesn't cost any extra, so I said that yes, I was getting it.  But of course it is a tad (like 2 days) to early to do it today, so I have to go back next week.  My mom asked what I was going to do if any of the results from this genetic test were positive, and I have nooooo idea.  Too scary to think about right now.  I think I'm just hoping (as I'm sure everyone is) that it'll be fine and produce yet another reassurance for me that everything is OK.  In the end that's what every pregnant woman is hoping for, right?

So, I have to go and look at the mound of paperwork that I got at the first appointment and see if in fact I did decide to go ahead with this test.  If so, it'll be back to the lab next week for a blood draw.

I also asked the doc if there was any cheaper prenatal vitamin that I could get.  (See, I told you, I looked like a complete cheapo at this appointment!)  But my prescription prenatal vitamin is $55 a month!  That seems like a lot to me.  So he understood my concern and said, "yeah I wouldn't pay that either".  Haha.  So he gave me a months worth of samples (and I still have almost a month left in the bottle that I have).  He said that after I go through all of those I can just go back to One a Day Women's Prenatal Vitamin and it would be just as good.  I was nervous that maybe I should stick with the prescription one because it must be better in some way if it's so much more expensive.  But he assured me that over the counter was fine.  So that's my plan.  Finish this bottle, take the samples, then back to OTC prenatal vitamins.  I feel weird; like that makes me a bad pregnant woman, taking the cheap way out.  But if the doc says its fine, then I'm going with his word.

I also mentioned that I'm going to try to get back into running to see his thoughts on that.  Again, he said that it would be totally fine (just to stay out of the crazy heat).  He actually said that it was more than fine; it was a good idea.  Keeping physically fit while pregnant has so many advantages and now that I'm feeling better I need to jump back on the bandwagon.  Hold me accountable, OK?  Haha.

That's about it for today.  Mike and I are gonna go to kickboxing this evening and then out to dinner with a friend.  My next doctor's appointment will be the big ultrasound where (hopefully) we can find out the baby's gender!!!  Yay!

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