Friday, July 23, 2010

14 Week Feelings

Well, this past week I would say that I've definitely noticed a drop off in the nausea (yay!), but on the flip side, I've been exhausted!  People always say that fatigue is one of the huge symptoms of the first trimester, yet I felt pretty normal in that department until this past week.  And now I'm in the second trimester, but dead tired...weird.  I feel like I could take 3 naps a day and still go to bed at 8PM.  But I don't.  Sometimes I do take one nap, and often I am ready to hit the hay by 9.  Oh well.  Hopefully the second trimester energy surge that everyone talks about is rounding the corner!

I went to visit an old friend that I used to work with today who has two small children, and she gave me ALL of her maternity clothes to borrow!  It was like Christmas!  3 bags full of clothes, a boppy pillow to sleep with, and 3 winter jackets!  That is going to be soooo helpful.  And she was right when she said "We have to pay it forward to our girlfriends".  She's done having kids, and she said to keep them as long as I need them.  Soooo nice of her.  Her 2 year old was at daycare, but I got to visit with her 9 week old and it's crazy to think that soon enough I'll have an infant.  It still hasn't really sunk in yet.

Mike asked me the other day how I know that everything is OK with our baby.  "I mean you haven't had an ultrasound or appointment since week 9; how do you know everything is OK?"  Answer: I don't.  And that freaks me out a little bit.  He thinks that I should be showing more by now (What is he?  The Pregnancy Expert?), which I assured him isn't true.  But I see what he means.  I don't really feel all that sick anymore, I'm not really showing to the general public, I can't feel any movement or anything.  I'm just in this limbo stage where I don't really feel or look pregnant.  I know he didn't mean to scare me, and to be honest, it's not like I wasn't thinking it myself.  But I just have to trust that if everything wasn't OK, then I'd know.  The fact that everything feels fine is probably a good sign.  Right?????  My next appointment is Monday, so hopefully I'll feel reassured after that.

Anyway, I had lunch with another old friend earlier in the week (again, one with 2 small children) and she offered to help me with my baby registry when the time comes.  She said they try to tell the first time moms that they need everything, but she'll give me the low-down on what I really need (and don't need).  It's been a great week; 3 days off of work in a row, and I had lunch plans with friends all 3 of those days!  Unheard of!

Still in full bridal shower planning mode, and it's all coming together.  Only one more week until my little sis's bridal shower.  Now that most of the stuff is planned out and done, I'm starting to get really excited!  I can't wait to go up to PA and spend 5 days with my sister, see our family and her friends, and just be a part of her bridal shower!  Yay!

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