Monday, February 8, 2010

High hopes

Here is the last of my three journal entries.

Wednesday January 27th, 2010

I'm going to conclude my January journaling with my hopes and goals for 2010. 

#1.  Number one on my list is definitely getting pregnant.  I hate that although it is the one thing that I want most, it is also the thing I have the least control over.  But I am going to do all of the things I can do to increase my chances.  I've made an appointment already with a new ob/gyn with whom I plan to talk about our fertility issues.  I am taking prenatal vitamins, exercising more, and will lay off the booze and caffeine once March rolls around and we are "trying" again.  I just read that last sentence and laughed, as it said I "will" lay off the booze and caffeine, not that I currently "am".  But sheesh, I was essentially free and clear of that stuff for months on end in 2009 while we were trying to get pregnant.  I figured in our 2 month hiatus it's ok to indulge in a latte and a cocktail every now and then, right?  Anyway, so that is my number one goal for 2010.

#2.  Stick with running.  I am signing up for a lot of races lately because they keep me running and I really enjoy racing.  Not that I am fast or competitive by any stretch of the imagination, but the atmosphere and vibe at a race really give me that running high!  The rest of these goals are in no particular order.

#3.  Stick with Body Pump.  It's the class that I probably enjoy most at the gym and it's empowering to feel toned and strong!

#4.  Try Yoga.  I've done yoga 2 or 3 randon times in my life, but I'd love to get into it.  It strengthens your core, makes you more felxible (both things that I desperately need), and most importantly, provides a mental relaxation and release that everyone needs from time to time.  I'd love to love it.

#5.  Keep up with this journal and turn it into a blog.  Yay!  One thing crossed off the list already!  Blog... check, got it!  Writing is really therapeutic and I feel better emotionally already after just three entires.  I want to turn it into a blog because I feel like I am experiencing things that a lot of people can relate to, and I'd love to help people and have them help me.  But, in all honesty, even if no one ever reads it besides my husband and my sister, that is 100% fine with me.  The main purpose is for me; so that I can have that release by writing, and so that I have a journal chronicaling the thoughts and experiences of my life.   

#6.  Keep a cleaner house.  I think this one may have to be fulfilled via a cleaning lady, because I just don't keep up with it the way I want to.  I interviewed 2 cleaning ladies today and will probably start using one of them twice a month.  I feel so much more relaxed and at peace when my house is neat and clean, yet I hate spending every day off making that happen.  So for me, hiring someone is well worth it.

#7.  Take charge of our finances.  Specifically retirement.  We need to open Roth IRA's and move the money out of our traditional IRA's.  The longer we wait, the more money we lose.  I need to make an appointment with the financial planner that my mom got us an appointment with as a wedding gift.  (Yes, our wedding was almost 2 years ago and we still haven't made that appointment!)  I also need to make a spreadsheet of the money we put into improving our house.  It's all so daunting to me, so I keep putting it off, which only makes it more daunting.  2010 will be the year I get on it!  Take charge of my money and take charge of my life!

#8.  Start cooking.  I am not a cook by any stretch of the imagination.  I barely ever do it because I am truly clueless in the kitchen.  I would love to have cooking lessons or take a class or something to get me started.  But I guess, just finding some recipes and trying it would get me started just as easily.  I want Mike and I to eat healthier, and I know that starts with eating out less and eating in more.  So, I vow to start cooking for us.

#9.  Live in the moment.  (Once again, quoting the Dog Whisperer.)  I want to really enjoy my life as it is right now; me, Mike, and Daisy dog, with all of our travels, late nights out, sleeping in, and just doing whatever we feel like doing.  I know these days won't last forever, so I really want to live it up, take it all in, and enjoy my life as it is right now, in this moment.

So, there you have it.  The last of the pre-blog journal entries.  Bye-bye book bound journal... hello internet blog!  I have lots of ideas swimming around in my head to blog about and I can't wait to start! 

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