Monday, January 24, 2011

This Is It!

This is our very last day in our house as a childless couple. 

Our very last day as a family of simply husband, wife, and dog.

Our very last day as a family of three.

Our very last night in our bed as a childless couple. 

Our very last day of life as we know it. 

These are the things I've been thinking about all day today.  It's so overwhelming and yet so amazing at the same time.

Tomorrow evening Mike and I will head into the hospital to begin my induction.  I am scared and nervous about the unknown.  The unknown regarding labor and delivery.  The unknown about parenting.  What do we know about raising a child????  But this takes me back to quality TV shows like Teen Mom.  They reassure me in an odd way.  I mean, if they can do it, here's hoping that Mike and I can too. ;) 

This blog is all about my pregnancy journey.  I started it in the beginning of 2010 because I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that we weren't pregnant yet after months of trying.  It was an emotionally difficult time for me, and writing my feelings down was cathartic.  Then in May we found out that I was pregnant, and the rest of the year of blogging was focused on my journey through pregnancy.

My pregnancy has been a true blessing in so many ways.  We've been wanting to expand our family to include children for awhile now, and it's finally happening!  I've truly thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant, and  I have had what most would call an easy pregnancy.  It's been pretty status quo, and that's great with me!  I've felt great, and I'm so lucky to have been healthy and happy throughout the whole thing.

So on that pleasant note, I think it's time for this blog to come to an end.  I've decided to start a new one to mark the beginning of our new family.  I thought about just continuing on with this blog, but I want the new one to have a different focus.  Instead of a journal about me me me, and my feelings;  my new blog will be written about the entire family.  Our new life and how it is affecting all of us.  All of the great things.... and the not so great things.  All of it.  It'll still be a journal of sorts, but a family journal, not my journal.  Does that make sense?

I guess what I'm saying is that Jess's Journey isn't ending.... just expanding!  Check out This Hetrick House to catch a glimpse into our new adventures.  The time is here!  Pregnancy is ending and parenting will be beginning.  A whole new journey..... come and join us!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I can't wait to start the new blog! I think this was a great way to document your journey throughout the last year - maybe make a little book of it to give to Addy one day:) Time for the Hetrick House blog!!
