Monday, February 7, 2011

New Blog Site

Here is a link to our family's new blog:

See you there!

Monday, January 24, 2011

This Is It!

This is our very last day in our house as a childless couple. 

Our very last day as a family of simply husband, wife, and dog.

Our very last day as a family of three.

Our very last night in our bed as a childless couple. 

Our very last day of life as we know it. 

These are the things I've been thinking about all day today.  It's so overwhelming and yet so amazing at the same time.

Tomorrow evening Mike and I will head into the hospital to begin my induction.  I am scared and nervous about the unknown.  The unknown regarding labor and delivery.  The unknown about parenting.  What do we know about raising a child????  But this takes me back to quality TV shows like Teen Mom.  They reassure me in an odd way.  I mean, if they can do it, here's hoping that Mike and I can too. ;) 

This blog is all about my pregnancy journey.  I started it in the beginning of 2010 because I was having a hard time dealing with the fact that we weren't pregnant yet after months of trying.  It was an emotionally difficult time for me, and writing my feelings down was cathartic.  Then in May we found out that I was pregnant, and the rest of the year of blogging was focused on my journey through pregnancy.

My pregnancy has been a true blessing in so many ways.  We've been wanting to expand our family to include children for awhile now, and it's finally happening!  I've truly thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant, and  I have had what most would call an easy pregnancy.  It's been pretty status quo, and that's great with me!  I've felt great, and I'm so lucky to have been healthy and happy throughout the whole thing.

So on that pleasant note, I think it's time for this blog to come to an end.  I've decided to start a new one to mark the beginning of our new family.  I thought about just continuing on with this blog, but I want the new one to have a different focus.  Instead of a journal about me me me, and my feelings;  my new blog will be written about the entire family.  Our new life and how it is affecting all of us.  All of the great things.... and the not so great things.  All of it.  It'll still be a journal of sorts, but a family journal, not my journal.  Does that make sense?

I guess what I'm saying is that Jess's Journey isn't ending.... just expanding!  Check out This Hetrick House to catch a glimpse into our new adventures.  The time is here!  Pregnancy is ending and parenting will be beginning.  A whole new journey..... come and join us!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The End is Near!

I can't believe it.  Well, there are a few things I can't believe.

 #1 I can't believe that I'm still pregnant.
#2 I can't believe that in a few short days my baby will be here!

At my appointment on Friday I found out that I had not progressed at all since the previous appointment, much to our dismay.  I was still only 1-2 cm dilated.  All of our stats were fine.  Addy's HR was 130's.  My BP was 117/78 and my HR was 89.  Hgb 12.4.  But no closer to labor than I was last week at that time.  It was disappointing news, especially since they estimated that she was already fairly large at my last appointment.

So when the doc asked how I felt about getting induced I said "I feel good about it.  Let's do it...  sooner rather than later, please!"

Mike and I were in agreement that if I didn't go into labor on my own we didn't want to wait until 42 weeks.  We wanted to induce my labor at 41 weeks.  There are a few reasons for this.

Addy is already fairly large.  The doc estimated that she was already over 8 pounds at my appointment a week and a half ago.  She is "fully cooked" so there is no need to keep her in there and growing any longer.  It would make my labor more difficult and increase the chance of needing a C-Section. 

Also, there is an increased risk for meconium aspiration the longer she stays inside my belly.  Meaning that she would have her first stool in the womb and risk breathing it in on her way out.  And believe me, that can cause MAJOR problems.  At work I have seen many newborns end up on complete life support from meconium aspiration.  No thanks.  Don't need the risk.

So the doctor said he would call the hospital and see if they had any openings next week.  If not, we'd have to just schedule another appointment and wait.  He left the room to make the call and Mike and I just stared at each other.  Are you serious????  They might not have any openings????

He came back a few minutes later and luckily they had an opening on Tuesday evening.  Thank goodness, because I would've been seriously upset if they didn't.  I didn't have very many "set in stone" feelings regarding my pregnancy (or my delivery), but not waiting until 42 weeks to deliver is one of the few things I feel strongly about.  So luckily it's working out.

The plan is that the hospital will call me on Tuesday evening sometime after 7PM and Mike and I will go in when they call.  They will give me the Cervidil on Tuesday evening and let it do it's cervix ripening thing overnight, and then start the dreaded Pitocin drip on Wednesday morning.  I was hoping to go into labor naturally without needing Pitocin because I've heard that it makes the contractions more painful than they are naturally.  But, if I need it, I need it.  Such is life.

With this schedule I am hoping that Adilyn will be born on Wednesday evening sometime, and then we'll probably be discharged on Friday.  That's my plan anyway.  Ha ha, yes I realize how ridiculous that sounds.  Labor rarely goes according to planned.  But we'll see.

So, here we are, Sunday afternoon.  About 48 hours until go time!!!  The AFC championship is tonight and Tina and I are watching it at home with the pups.

We were planning on going with Mike over to a friend's place to watch the game, but I woke up the past two mornings feeling under the weather, so we're staying in.  Normally I'd go anyway, because I don't feel awful, just not great.  But I would really prefer not to be sick with a head cold during my labor, so I'm trying to rest as much as possible from now until then. 

It's ironic really that I just recently was thinking about how this pregnancy has been doing my immune system good.  I have not had a single cold during the entire nine months that I've been pregnant.  And that's huge for me.  Mike has always jokingly called me a genetic degenerate because it seemed like I was sick all of the time.  It's true too.  I've always gotten colds fairly frequently.  So not having any for my whole pregnancy was a big deal.  And of course, I'm starting to get one right before the big day.  I mean, come on!  Couldn't it have held out just a little longer???  Not that having a cold with a newborn would be a walk in the park either.   So I'm using neti pot, taking cold eeze, and resting.  Hopefully with this combo I'll feel better by D-Day.

Almost time for the Steelers vs. Jets!  Here we go Steelers, here we go!  Pittsburgh's going to the Superbowl! (We hope!)

Friday, January 21, 2011

40+ Weeks and Still Waiting....

Yup, still waiting.  I had a feeling that I'd go past my due date, and I have a sneaking suspicion that Adilyn won't decide to make her arrival until my labor is induced next week. 

I've been trying some of the tricks/old wives tales that people swear by, but nothing has worked yet.  I've eaten spicy food, walked a lot, and, well, we've done the obvious as well.  Nothing....except being more uncomfortable.  No contractions yet.

Yesterday Tina and I went to the big bi-annual Raleigh kids consignment sale.  All of the moms at work talk about consignment sales and I've been wanting to go to one to check it out.  So when one of my co-workers had 2 extra sellers tickets that she was giving away, I figured now is as good a time as any.  Thought it would be a good way to get some walking in while checking out all of the baby items they had to offer.  It was pretty awesome, though totally overwhelming.  There was sooooo much stuff.  I may or may not have gone slightly overboard in the number of baby outfits that I bought.....
But I got some really good deals, so I figured, better to go crazy at a consignment sale than at the mall or something.  Right?  Right?  I mean my total was $81.08 for 14 outfits, 4 hats, 6 headbands, a pair of mittens, and  "What to Expect the First Year" book.  Not too bad.

I got her a super soft fleecy winter suit to bring her home in.

A photo shoot outfit of course :)  How cute is that little shrug?!!

An Easter dress....

And the most adorable itty bitty bikini for the beach this summer!

When we got home we decided that Tina's puppy Holly would love to wear one of Addy's new headbands.
How cute is she???

So we walked around the consignment sale, then my friend came over with her two dogs to hang out for awhile, then Mike and I took Daisy for a walk around the neighborhood.  About 1/4 of the way through the walk Mike suggested that I try to run a little bit to speed things along.  So I tried....and I'm sure I looked as awful as I felt.  I could run from about one mailbox to 2 mailboxes down and then I'd be sooo uncomfortable that I had to stop.  Not the easiest thing in the world to run with a giant head making its way down there. 

So I walk/ran the rest of the way, yet here I am.  A day later and still sitting here on the couch with not a single contraction.  Sigh.

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon, so we'll see what they say.  All I know is that I am going to be adamant about being induced next week if they don't offer it.  Last week the doc said they'd induce me at 41 weeks, so I'm gonna make sure they stick to that. 

I mean, we're all ready.  Mike and I have begun our work leave, Tina is here....we're ready.  Everyone is telling me to just relax and enjoy this time off without the baby, so we are definitely livin' it up.  We are chillin' all day and then going out to eat at a new restaurant with our groupons every night.  It's fun, but we'll all be 400 pounds soon if Addy doesn't hurry up!

I really hope that at my doctors appointment today I will have made some progress since last time.  But either way, I definitely want an induction date set for next week just in case.  I think she's big enough and I don't want to wait another two weeks and risk needing a C-Section because she's too big.  But going into labor naturally would be nice.  We'll see...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

9 Month Photos and 39 Week Video

I am officially over 9 months pregnant today!  I hit the mark yesterday and I'm gonna take my 9 month pics today and post them later.

I had my 39 week doctors appointment yesterday and, low and behold, I am making some progress!  I am 1-2 cm dilated and 75-80% effaced!  Woohoo!  She just has to hang in there for one more day until Tina gets here.  Tina and her puppy Holly are gonna be on their way to NC 24 hours from now and then Addy can feel free to arrive :) 

I really want Tina to be here for 2 reasons.  Number one, for another support person.  And number two, she is planning to take photos for us during the labor and immediately after delivery.  I am so excited that we'll be able to have those first moments with Adilyn captured forever!  Mike was a little bit skeptical about the pics at first until I assured him that Tina would not be below the waist, haha!  It's not those kind of pics.  I just want to feel the mood and capture our expressions and Addy's first moments in the world.  Not the gross, actual delivery.

At my doctors appointment my BP was 108/68 and I have almost gained 35 pounds so far (blah).  Addy is measuring right on target of 39 weeks and her HR was in the 130's-140's this time. 

I asked the doctor at what point they would induce my labor if it doesn't progress and he said probably at about 42 weeks.  Then I asked if he can estimate how big she is.  He looked at me and felt my belly and guessed about 7 - 71/2 pounds.  OK, all of that sounds good.  Well....then he did my internal exam (cervix check), at which point he said "Let me revise that estimate.  She's probably about 8 pounds."  He followed it up by saying that they'd induce me at 41 weeks.  Haha....I knew she'd be a big girl!

Mike was able to come with me to this appointment because he was unexpectedly called off work, so we went out for breakfast, went to the grocery store, and then headed to my appointment.  Whenever the doc said that I was slightly dilated and 75-80% effaced I could tell that Mike was excited.  He's been wanting her to hurry up and arrive already! 

After the doc left the room Mike said "So the doctor pretty much just said that she's big and they won't let you go to 42 weeks because she'll be huge!"  I guess that probably is what he was saying, because he took back his original 42 week induction statement and said they'd schedule it for 41 weeks if I don't go on my own.  To be expected I guess, since both my sister and I were over 9 pounds at birth.  Epidural, here I come!

Here is the video that I just made with the flip cam that Tina gave Mike and I for Christmas!  I finally figured out how to get it on here!!!!

And here are my 9 month pics!

Don't you love that beautiful mottled look that my stomach has taken on these days?  Yuck!

Also love that shiny stretch mark where my belly button ring used to be.  Ahh the beauties of pregnancy!

9 Month Stats
weight: 161.4 lbs           gained 33.6 lbs
breast: 37 3/4 inches      gained 3 3/4 inches
waist: 39 1/2 inches       gained 10 inches

Can I just casually mention that Mike has already begun his paternity leave.  Yup, you heard me right.    I (the one who has to push this baby out) am still working, but Mike is off already!  Something seems a little bit backwards about that.  Haha!  Gotta love it!

On a sadder note, Mike's grandmother on his mom's side died unexpectedly on Sunday.  She was taken to the hospital and found to have a perforated bowel.  She died before they could even get her to surgery.  It was a sad day, and I felt terrible for Mike because he couldn't even go to her funeral.  The funeral was in PA on Thursday and he didn't want to risk leaving me so close to my due date.  The rest of Mike's family was there, and they told us that she looked very peaceful.  We know that Grandma Lorraine is in a better place now, and she can spend the rest of eternity with her husband.  Rest in peace Grandma.

Mike's parents are planning to come down here whenever they hear the word that I am in labor.  They will stay for a day or two to see us and meet Addy, and then they will leave and come back for a longer visit at the end of February.  Mom is planning to come down and be here for a week after we get home from the hospital and, of course, Tina and Holly will be here too.  Then Dad will probably come in mid February sometime.  So we will have lots of visitors and lots of help for the first few weeks!  It'll be here before we know it!

When Tina comes down, I plan to have her help me start a new blog to mark the new beginning of our family.  This blog is all about my pregnancy journey, and, let's face it, really all about me.  I want my new blog to be focused on the whole family (although I'm sure it will be centered around Addy).  I think I will call it, "The Hetrick House". 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

38 Weeks and Counting!

My due date is quickly approaching and I still can't quite believe it!  In less than a month I will have a newborn who is 100% dependent on Mike and I for her every!  I had my weekly Dr's appointment this morning and I am still not dilated at all yet.  I went from a -3 to a -2 station, but I don't think that means too much.  I am still hoping that Addy hangs in there until Tina gets down here on the 16th.  My BP was 105/67, Hgb 13.9, and Addy's HR 120's-130's.  At all of my other appointments her HR was in the 140's, but the doc said that 120-160 is normal.

I am definitely getting more and more physically uncomfortable the further along that I progress in this pregnancy.  I'm having a rough time sleeping because my back hurts and I have to pee so much.  I started noticing my ankles, feet, and hands swelling about 2 weeks ago.  I can't really wear my wedding rings anymore.  It's hard for me to be on my feet for any length of time these days.  I feel a lot of pressure when I'm up for awhile and I just feel like I need to sit down.  I am also soooo tired allllll of the time.  I take naps on most of my days off and I'm feeling pretty unproductive.  Nesting?  More like resting.  I am also warm a lot of the time, which is so unusual for me.  That symptom I don't mind so much though.  I'm so used to being cold all of the time, it's nice to feel warm for a change.  And last, but not least, those persistant nosebleeds are still hanging around.  I still get them a few times a week.

We're pretty much ready for Adilyn's arrival whenever she decides to come.  Like I said, I do hope that she waits until Tina gets here though :)  I have her diaper bag packed for the hospital, but I still have to pack my bag.  Maybe if I'm ambitious I'll do that today.  We got the car seat inspected yesterday to make sure we had it in right.  It was fine, but the guy did show us a better way to do it, so I'm glad we went.  Her room is essentially totally ready, except I still have yet to wash those cloth diapers.  I've literally been putting that off for a month, and I'm not sure why.  I should do that today too.  It's just so daunting, because I have to prewash them 5-7 times!  That's a lot of washing!

When Tina came down a few weeks ago she took some more maternity pics, so now I have 2 sets!  Here are some of her shots:


Tina did an awesome job and I'll cherish these pictures forever.  Pretty soon our little Adilyn will make her way into this world and my pregnancy days will be a distant memory.  I'll keep you posted!