Wednesday, November 17, 2010

7 Month Photos!

I can't believe that I only have 2 months to go before our baby girl is here!  It's wild to think about, and we are getting sooooo pumped! 

I am 31 weeks pregnant today and I'm so excited to be counting down the weeks, but I am definitely getting more physically uncomfortable.  It seems as though once I hit 30 weeks the discomfort really set in.

Number one, my nosebleeds are still in full force.  They are getting worse too, probably because it is getting colder and drier outside.  I'll have to try that Nasalease that someone suggested. 

I am also having a hard time shaving in the shower (especially because ours is a stand up shower).  I may have to move my stuff to the other bathroom temporarily where it is a tub shower.  I used to just lift my leg up and shave but that is really uncomfortable these days and there is nowhere to prop my leg up in our shower. 

On the same note, tying my shoes is becoming challenging as well.  Pretty much anything that requires bending over is kinda rough.  Like today I started my Christmas shopping, so I was at the mall for a good 4 hours.  Well, when I dropped items of clothing on the floor or if I put my bags down for a second, I really had to struggle to pick them up.  No more bending down real quick without a second thought.  Every time I had to pick something up off the floor I was distinctly aware of it and I'd stand there and dread it for a second (and debate leaving it there).  You don't realize how many times you bend over while shopping until you are pregnant and just that mere act exhausts you!

I also have been noticing that if I over exert myself I feel kinda sore down below.  Not cramping or anything, just sore and tired, like I need a break.  Today, after I had been walking around carrying bags (and bending down a lot) for a few hours, I just felt really uncomfortable.  And tired.  The tiredness is back.  Blah. 

And my back.  Oh my precious back, which used to serve me so well and never cause me any pain.  Well, it's a whole new back these days.  I realize that baby girl is putting quite a bit of strain on my pal the back, but jeez!  It is pretty much always sore, right in the middle.  Especially if I've been sitting or laying down for awhile.  Mike rubs it for me sometimes, which helps a lot.  And when we were at his parents house this past weekend I used his dad's foot massager on my back, which was awesome too!  Heat packs help a little bit.  I have yet to take any meds for it.  I know, I know...I could take Tylenol.  I'm just not really a med taker.  Not unless I am really miserable.  Right now I'm just uncomfortable....but it's teetering toward miserable.  No, that's being a little dramatic.  It's just a pain... literally.  Ha ha.

Last on my list of discomforts is the feeling that I am always out of breath.  I guess it makes sense given that baby girl is getting bigger and bigger and taking up more room every day.  But I feel like I can't do anything without becoming out of breath.  Bend over..out of breath.  Read out loud...out of breath.  God forbid, take a brisk walk...breathing like I just won a marathon. 

It's so crazy, because I knew in my head that these things would probably happen when I got pregnant, but it's a totally different thing to have them actually happen to you.  I feel like I am living in someone else's body.  I am used to being very active and jetting all over the place, and now I am starting to feel like a borderline invalid.  I feel like I am now experiencing what overweight people must feel every day of their lives.  It is so physically limiting and so frustrating. 

Not to mention that looking in the mirror is a whole new world these days.  Whew!  Like I said before, I knew these things would happen, but it does a number on your body image in the meantime.  My belly button is popped way out and it's getting really discolored as well.  Starting to get that line down the center of my stomach as well.  No stretch marks yet (fingers crossed), but I am noticing more varicose veins on my legs.  Nothing major, but there are definitely a few little new ones. 

Ahhh, well there is my gripe session.  Despite all of these things that I've been complaining about, I really, truly am enjoying my pregnancy.  I love feeling her move and kick.  It never fails to bring a smile to my face, whether I'm alone or in a crowd of people. Her kicks let me know that she's OK in there and it's so reassuring.  I will also admit that I like the attention!  I don't mind at all if my friends and family want to feel my belly (I have yet to have any strangers want to do it).  And all of those complaints above that I talked about?  They are all minor.  All of them.  And I thank God for that.  My pregnancy has been wonderful and I really shouldn't complain at all.  But I just had to vent a little ;)

So onto the 7 month pics!!  Like I said to Mike when we took them...only two more times of doing this and then she'll be here!

Yup, we added some decoration to our bedroom wall since last month!  I wanted to take it down for the pics, but Mike says it shows the progression of time in some weird way.  Whatever.

That is my view when I look down these days.  Had to throw it in to show that indeed, my feet are completely hidden from view.  No denying it anymore.  Ha ha!

7 Month Stats: November 16th, 2010
Weight: 151.4 lbs            Weight gain to date: 23.6 lbs
Waist: 36 3/4 inches        Waist gain to date: 7 1/4 inches
Breast: 36 1/2 inches        Breast gain to date: 2 1/2 inches

So that's my story.  Next post....Baby Shower!!!!!  It was such an awesome time and my sister made it sooo cute and fun and adorable with the decorations.  She put so much time and effort into making it special and I love her for it!  It was a perfect day!

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