Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's a.......


We found out last Friday (September 3rd) at our ultrasound appointment and we couldn't be more excited!  The ultrasound went really well and everything measured as it should.  4 heart chambers...check, spinal column closed....check, brain size correct....check.  Phew!  Those were the big ones, but they also measured things like the bladder, and the feet, and multiple other things.  Everything is normal and our little girl is growing as she should!  What a relief!

We have several ultrasound pics as mementos of the occasion, and I think my favorite is the one of her foot.  It's soo little and cute!

Then there is the full body view...

And, this one I think is hilarious.  You can't really make out what anything is, but read the fine print and note the arrow....

Yup, it says "girl parts" and there is an arrow pointing to them.  Gotta love it!

We got 8 pictures in total.  One of the arm, body, foot, 2 girl parts, heart, and 2 face.  The face pics are also hard to discern and look slightly scary, so I didn't include them.  We are thinking of possibly getting the 3D/4D ultrasound that they offer because our neighbor got one and said it was really neat.  It costs an extra $200 though.  But Mike said "How often do you get pregnant in your life?  Let's do it."  So cute!

On other pregnancy news, I have been having some mild cramping over the past 2 days that has me slightly worried.  Over vacation I had intermittent cramping on the sides of my abdomen, which I know is uterine stretching, so I wasn't worried about that.  But starting about 2 days ago I started having vaginal cramping that is pretty persistent.  I haven't had any bleeding, but I am still concerned, so I called my Ob this AM and I have an appointment at 11:30 just to get checked out.  While I was at work yesterday I thought I may have had some slight contraction type things too, which also made me nervous.  I'm sure it's nothing, but I'll feel better after being checked out. 

Otherwise I have gained a ton of weight in the past 2 weeks.  5 lbs!  As of this morning I am 140.4 lbs.  My belly is definitely showing now and I wore my first maternity shirt to work yesterday.  Still don't have any major cravings that I can think of, I just eat A LOT!  It's also getting more difficult to get comfortable in bed, but not too bad yet.  Just wait, right?

Today when Mike gets home from work we will take my 5 month pics!  So I will post those ASAP.  I will also post some pics from vacation and from my sister's bachelorette party this past weekend.  Yup, me and baby girl were rocking out at PSU for Tina's big party! 

I am thinking that maybe some of the reason for my cramping might be that I went a little overboard in the last few weeks.  I power walked every day on vacation, then drove up to PSU and partied (water in hand) until 1:30 AM at the bachelorette party, then drove back to NC and unpacked the car for the third or fourth time in a week.  I may or may not have carried in the cooler from the car and noticed the cramping after that.  Lesson learned.  No more heavy lifting for me.  So my plan for today is to take it easy and see what the doc says and go from there.

To end this post I want to say that I am so excited that we are having a girl!  I can't wait to see Mike with a little girl, because I know he'll be just great with her, and I'm sure it will melt my heart.  I told him to get excited for ribbons, and bows, and barrettes, and braids, and dresses, and tutu's....  This will be so fun!

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